1、胡相明, Effect of polyethylene glycol on the mechanical property, microstructure, thermal stability, and flame resistance of phenol–urea–formaldehyde foams, Journal of Materials Science, 49(4), pp 1556-1565, 2014/1/1. 2、胡相明, Synthesis and Characterization of Phenol-urea-formaldehyde Foaming Resin Used to Block Air Leakage in Mining, Polymer Composites, 43卷, 2014/3/3. 3、Hu, Xiang-Ming; Wang, De-Ming, Enhanced fire behavior of rigid polyurethane foam by intumescent flame retardants, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 129(1), pp 238-246, 2013/7/5. 4、胡相明, Synergistic effects of expandable graphite and dimethyl methyl phosphonate on the mechanical properties, fire behavior, and thermal stability of a polyisocyanurate–polyurethane foam, international journal of minging science and technology, 23(1), pp 13-20, 2013/1/1. 5、胡相明;王德明;张丽, 反应条件对矿用充填发泡树脂活性的影响研究, 中国安全科学学报, 08期, pp 54-58, 2012. 6、胡相明;王德明, 固化剂对矿用充填泡沫固化行为的影响, 中国安全科学学报, 11期, pp 48-54, 2012. 7、王帅领;王德明;胡相明;胡方坤, 阻燃剂对矿用有机固化泡沫性能影响, 中国安全科学学报, 04期, pp 74-78, 2013/4/15. 8、白淼;郭文杰;胡相明, 矿用高分子泡沫材料抗静电研究, pp 48-50, 2013. 9、胡相明;李超;耿孝恒;郭文杰;曹青;许兰娟;胡莹莹, 应用型本科院校安全工程专业人才培养模式的探讨, 广州化工, 23期, pp 165-166+194, 2012. 10、胡相明;耿孝恒;李超;郭文杰;曹青;许兰娟;胡莹莹, 滨州学院安全工程专业实践教学体系的构建, 广州化工, 24期, pp 174-175+183, 2012. 11、胡相明;张乐涛, 石油化工企业常见危险源分析及其安全对策研究, 安全与环境工程, 02期, pp 96-99, 2011. |